Types of Resorts and Facilities for Staying

Types of Resorts and Facilities for Staying

Resorts do have their own charm for foreign and local tourists. However, have you understood what is meant by a resort and what types of resorts there are? In order to better understand what a resort is, see the reviews in the following article and don’t forget to get other interesting information by click here

What are Resorts?

Resort is a place to stay with special facilities for relaxing and exercising such as tennis, golf, spa, tracking and jogging. Resorts are usually located in places with a beautiful natural backdrop, such as beaches, or in locations with facilities such as golf courses and tennis courts.

Resorts should have land that is related to tourist attractions, and is also located in hills, mountains, valleys, small pulung or also on the beach.

Resort Types

These are the types of resorts and their facilities for staying.

1.Resort Town

These resorts are usually located in cities, but can also mean that the city itself is a tourist attraction.

2. Beach Resorts

Beach Resort is a resort hotel located on the beach or seaside, with the main focus being the sea itself as a recreational object.

3. Golf Resorts

This golf resort has facilities related to the sport of golf. Usually this resort is also located in the golf area.

4. Spa Resorts

Spa Resort is a resort hotel that has spa facilities as one of the hotel accommodations and also as the main attraction.

5. Ski Resorts

Ski Resort is a resort hotel located in a ski recreation area, usually this resort provides snow sports facilities with the main sport being skiing.

6. Health Resort (Sanatorium)

Health Resort is a resort hotel that provides main health-related facilities, such as resort hotels equipped with hydrotherapy facilities.

7. Mountain Resort

Mountain Resort is a resort hotel located in the mountains with the feel of a mountain slope setting. Usually, this resort is located in a city with facilities that support the tourism aspect

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