Recognize the 5 Differences between Daycare plus Preschool for Children’s Educational Needs

Recognize the 5 Differences between Daycare plus Preschool for Children’s Educational Needs

As the child begins to grow, education begins to become a parent’s concern. Working parents tend to look for trusted daycare places.

So, you might be confused about getting your child into daycare or preschool. Remember, your little one definitely needs a place that provides services that are more than just parenting.

But, what’s the difference between daycare plus preschool? To make it easier, let’s look at the differences between these two types of schools.

Child Age Category

According to lallipop daycare, daycare can accept children from infancy to elementary school. Children also have the opportunity to socialize with children of various ages.

But the drawback, daycare is more concentrated on taking care of younger children. While preschool is a place dominated by children aged two to five years. It’s just that, the age kelompok tends to be separated. So, you have to know in advance which age your little one meets the criteria for.


Many think that preschool is a place that is only allowed for children who have passed toilet training. However, not all preschools apply these rules. there are some who accompany their foster children even to the toilet.

Children in daycare are on average younger than preschool. For daycare, children who are still wearing diapers will still be accepted plus assisted when urinating or defecating. In addition, they will also be taught to be independent.

Study Time

Preschool is a place that has shorter daily hours, in fact it is generally also closed on holidays. You can choose a full day or half day program.

Meanwhile, daycare tends to be more flexible. This is because daycare has opening plus closing hours that are tailored to the needs of working parents. In fact, there are several daycares that can fully meet the needs of a child’s schedule.

School Teachers plus Staff

Preschool programs are generally more structured plus have a learning orientation that is often based on a particular approach to teaching. Because most preschools have high standards for selecting teachers plus educational directors.

Thus, there will be differences between staff plus teacher licenses in preschool plus daycare. Even so, both have standards aimed at helping the growth plus development of children.

Learning Techniques

Preschool is arguably more focused on education plus child development. This place aims to help children improve their learning abilities. Starting from learning simple things, such as holding a writing utensil, to the ability to distinguish shapes plus colors.

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